Ghost Pirates of the Sea-erra Madre

You follow the crack and after a while it expands to a hole large enough for you to enter. You're not sure if it's worth the risk, but then you see a big mysterious sea creature swim into the hole.

You decide you have to find out more about this sea creature. Discovering a new animal could bring you fame and fortune!

You swim down into the hole and soon see a lot of strange looking rocks. No wait, they must be eggs! You're in the sea creature's nest.

As you look on in excitement the eggs begin to hatch. Swarms of tiny baby sea creatures swim around you. However, you quickly realize that these babies are hungry!

They begin pulling at your seasuit and are soon biting at the flesh beneath. You try to swim out of the nest, but there are too many of the strange animals. While each individual bite is small, hundreds of them are too much for you. You hope they at least find you delicious.
End Of Story