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Ghost Pirates of the Sea-erra Madre

You order your crew to drop anchor and wait out the fog. You wait one day, then two, then three. The fog still hasn't seemed to diminish one iota. If anything it's gotten even thicker.

On the fourth day your crew overrule you and decide to try to escape the fog. They don't hurt you or even tie you up or anything, they just stop listening to what you have to say. You're a little surprised it didn't happen sooner to be honest.

After a few hours the Moaray Jr. escapes from the fog and you head back to land. The trip back is mostly uneventful, though you hear some grumbling from the crew that the radio is acting kind of weird.

When you reach the port you left from something seems off. Were the buildings that tall before? And what's that light coming from over there?

A barge comes up alongside the ship and a massive argument begins between the crew and the officials on the boat. They're saying that you don't have the right permits to dock your boat. You show them all of the permits you have and even attempt to bribe them, but none of it works.

Slowly it begins to dawn on you and the rest of the crew what's wrong. The reason your permits (and your money) aren't any good is because they're 100 years out of date! Somehow your time in the fog has sent you into the far future of the year 2079!

The End
End Of Story