Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Gwen's Dating Sim

"Wait! You're a chamption?"

"I was. But I finished my quest. I am done. Now go."

"No! We need your help! This is important! The w orld is in danger!"

"The w orld is always in danger. And I already helped save it wunce. Go."

U slam your hands on the tabil. "No! you need to take us."

He snaps his fingers and some men pop their heads in. "Take her owtside." He says.

You and Nyx get shown owt of the captains area and thrown out to the streets. Nyx glares at you, but you both git back to work tryin to find a new captin. Eventually, you find one.

But after you set out sailing, a mutiny breaks out and you and your crew get thrown overboard.
you all die.
End Of Story