Cartoon Cat

There's no water in the beaches except the salt water. It'll just make you thirstier. You continue walking, but soon it gets dark. You continue walking for another mile. Then you see something that looks like a human. It was a girl. She was eaten in half. Ally started throwing up. It smelled horrible. There were intestines everywhere. Then you saw something that made you back go cold. The same like before. What is it going to do? It it good or evil? Was it the thing that ate the girl?

So many questions went around in your head. It started to move closer and closer to you. You start backing up slowly. Then it stops. Then you notice those arms. They are just like rubber hoses. "Hey guys be caref" SMACK before bobby could finish his sentence the cat got him. "NOOOOO Bobby" Screamed Ally.

"Its too late" You say trying to calm Ally down. You take Ally around the waist and pull her up. You then start sprinting with all your energy. After you run about an mile you stop. You sit down and catch your breath, but then the cartoonish cat is back. It then moved it's arms move closer and closer. Then it started to move so fast that you couldn't react. SMACK. It caught you. You feel your bones getting cracked. It starts to pull it's hand very slowly back.

It started to open it's mouth. You remember that you have your pocket knife. You take it out and start stabbing it. Nothing happens. It doesn't bleed. You look back at Ally and see her face is like from out of a horror movie. Then SMACK. It bit you into half...
End Of Story