Extend the Story - Add a Room

Vangaurd School by estuecker12
You and Cassie head over to where they are giving dorm numbers. After waiting in line for what seems like forever, a lady with a tight bun and pointed features awaits you.
"Name, please?"
"Mhm... and yours?"
"I see. Well, you two will be roommates. You will be staying in room 104, please head over there promptly. Your things will be delivered there in a short time."
You & Cassie start walking towards your dorm room. "Can you believe it, Cassie? We're sharing a dorm!"
"I know, right? This is going to be so much fun. Also.... I know that lady said to 'go to our dorms promptly', but I say we look around! It's our new school after all, we should have a chance to explore it."
You ponder her offer. Disobeying that lady might have consequences, but it would be a lot more interesting to go explore and get to know their new school. You can't get in trouble for walking around... right?
Go exploring with Cassie
End Of Story

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