After Pre-DWMA Studies and Study Hall, the students were dismissed for lunch.

Maka Albarn: So princess Serana, do you happen to know any magic?

Serana Balaur: Barely...Some basic elemental magic and a handful of healing spells...I don't really use them because of the stigma that is associated with magic...I mostly stick to Khiig like everyone else…

Soul "Eater" Evans: Khiig?

Draugr Askr: Also known as Ki, or Soul frequency…See…[He draws up a venn diagram composed of three overlapping circles labeled Soul, Mind, and Body] The soul wavelength is the overlap between one's body and soul. Magic is the overlap between the mind and the soul...And the overlap between one's body and mind is one's consciousness…

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: And what about the overlap of all three?

SB: That's willpower...Potentially the strongest of all of them…

DWMA Students: Hey! Princess Serana! Can you please knight me!? Knight me princess! Don't forget about me princess!

SB: Uh, guys...I shouldn't be knighting people all willy nilly…


Black 🌟 Star:[On the table] Guess who's back? It's me! Black 🌟 Star! Stickman! Princess! You two versus Tsubaki and me! After school! So, do you accept, or are you both too chicken?!

DA: I'm in...But only if Serana and Tsubaki are in…

BS: Well I know that Tsubaki is in, so what about you, princess?!

SB: Well...I guess there's no way around this...Very well, Black Star...I accept...But under one condition...When I beat you, you are to stop calling me "princess"...

TN: And what does Black Star get if he and I win?

BS: WHEN we win, Tsubaki...When we win...And as for what I'd like...You are to have me and Tsubaki knighted...By the Queen of England!

Everyone: WHAT!?!

SB: Hmmm...Very well...That's not out of the realm of possibilities for me...It seems we have a deal…

BS: Alright! Yahoo! We've got a deal! By the end of the day, I'm gonna beat the new kids and be a ninja knight!

DA: It's bold to assume it will win…

BS: Can it, mopstick! You can't bring down my mood![He leaps off into the mess hall]

SE: So...What are their odds of beating you two?

DA: I'd say 27%...That's actually kinda high...Still, there's a 38% chance that he gets himself knocked out again before the end of school…

TN: Where are you getting all these statistics?

DA: I can see all possible futures...It works well in combat and for intel…

TN: I'm finding it hard to believe that you can actually see the future…

DA: Lord bless you…

TN: Wha...Ahhh...Aaahhh…*Achoo!*...*Sniffles*...How did you…?

DA: Still not convinced? Maka, you might want to throw your drink away at that trash can behind you within the next 20 seconds…

MA: But I barely touched it…

DA: Trust me...It will be worth it…

MA: Okay…[She throws her beverage at the bin behind her, but her throw was just a little too short, hitting the rim and spilling its contents all on the floor]

SE:[Sarcastic] Nice throw, Maka…

MA: You couldn't have told me that I would miss?!

DA: First, the odds were stacked against you on making it. Second, that's not why I told you to toss it…

SE: Whatever reason, you have got to hit the hoops more often Maka…

DA: She doesn't know about basketball, Soul…

MA: I know what basketball is!...I've never played it, but I know what it is!

DA: What's a lay-up? What's traveling? What's dribbling? What's an ally-oop? What's an airball?

MA:[Struggles] Uhm...Uhh...An airball is when the ball needs air…?

SE: Not even close, airhead![He laughs]


Spirit Albarn:[Cheerful] MAKA! My little angel!

MA:[Under her breath] Oh, dear Death, kill me…

SA:[Running towards Maka] How 'bout I take you out to lunch somewhere?! Just the two of us! It's been forever since I've had a meal with my little giiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii…

[Is all that Spirit could say as he slid all the way through the cafeteria in the spill that Maka made]


[The Death Scythe ended up smashing into a vending machine]

MA:[Looking at Draugr] H-How did you...Thank you for that…

TN: Oh, crap...We're screwed…

DA: Not exactly...There was a chance that Spirit crashes into Black Star and knocks him out in the process...But since that's no longer a problem...Your chances rose to 44%, and Black Star's chance of getting prematurely K.O. shrank down to 19%...

TN: I still don't like those odds…

Doctor Medusa:[Looking at Spirit] Oh, my!...What happened to you, Spirit?! Come now, I'll take you to the Dispensary and have you looked at…

SA:[Disoriented] Thank you, Nurse Medusa...You're an angel...A beautiful blonde angel…

Dr. M:[Acting flattered] Why thank you, Spirit...Come on...Let's go…

[Spirit and Medusa left the cafeteria]

MA:[Grumbles] There goes my dad, off with another lover…

SE: Come on, Maka! Doc M. is too smart to fall for your dad…

MA: Yeah? Tell that to her when she was smooching with him all the way out of the party yesterday…

DA: I saw that too…

SE:[Surprised] Really!?! What does she see in him?

MA: Beats me…Oh, yeah...Maka Chop!


SE:[In pain] OUCH! Really?!

MA: That's for calling me an airhead…But anyways Tsubaki, I think Draugr is telling the truth…[Pulls out her future portrait] See! This is how I'll look in three years from now!

DA: Actually...Now that I'm looking it over, it's either 3 or 5 years…

MA: Still...I'll look amazing!

TN:[Looking at the portrait] Woah! That's incredible! Wait...Can you see us naked with that magic eye of yours?

MA: Oh god! I didn't even think about that!

SB: Relax...He can't...His eye distorts the image in that case…

Girls: What a relief…

[Bell rings]

MA: I guess we only have 15 minutes left…

DWMA Students: Please! Kight me!

SB: How about this! I'll knight anyone who brings me a trophy from a level 4 Kishin Egg…


DA: That shut them up...So...What's after lunch?!

SE: W/M Training...Today's solo day...Maka's least favorite class…

MA: Do you want to get another Maka Chop?!

SE:[Scared] No way!
Continue on to TBD4
End Of Story

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