Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.
As the trio walk in Death City towards the DWMA, Serana is very nervous and apprehensive. For obvious and understandable reasons.

Serana Balaur: Oh, gods! Maybe this is a mistake! Maybe you should just register, Draugr!

Draugr Askr: I won't join unless you join, Serana…

SB: But I don't know if I can do this! To actually meet Lord Death face-to-face...I must be insane!

Bart the Bat:[Perched on Serana's shoulder]
Insane?! NO! Well, maybe a little bit...You're basically going to meet your kind's boogeyman! That takes some serious courage...You'd be even braver if you didn't use Soul Protect…

DA: We don't want to start trouble before we even get to meet him...Besides...You have that peace offering the Coven helped you make...Hopefully that will be our ace-in-the-hole…

BB: Well then! I'm gonna go scour this city and see if I can find us a place to stay…[He gets off Serana and transforms into his human form] Moolah please!

Reluctantly, the two teens hand over their money to the bat.

[Taking it] Thank you very much!...I'll circle around our new place once we've got one...Good luck you two! Especially you, Serana! You're gonna need it![He flies off]

Serana looks even more worried than before. Draugr tries to calm her down.

DA: It'll be okay...We still have those Return Runes your mother gave us...Worst comes to worst, we use them to split.

SB: Y-Yeah...Yeah! You're right! And ya know what?! It won't have to come to that!

As they walk into the DWMA, they ask some faculty members for some help.

Excuse me! Could either of you help us?!

Captain Sid Barrett: Sure thing, young lady…

Mira Naigus: What do you two need help with?

DA: We came here looking to enroll in the academy...Who exactly do we need to talk to about that?

Cap. SB: Lord Death, of course…

MN: We'll point you in the direction of him...We'd take you there ourselves, but we've got classes to run…

After giving directions to the two of them, Serana and Draugr walked their way towards the Death Room.

Mere moments before in the Death Room…

Spirit Albarn: Don't suppose I could leave a little earlier, Lord Death…

Lord Death: You supposed right! I can't let my Death Scythe wander around the city all willy nilly! Besides! There's only an hour and a half left of the school day...You can go drink yourself silly and lament with those beautiful women on your own time!

SA: Hey! Who says that I lament with them?!

LD: You did, remember?

SA:[In denial] I-I never said that!

LD: Mmhmm...Seems we have some guests approaching…

SA: Ooohohoo! I hope it's Nurse Medusa!

LD: Please Spirit, keep it in your pants...Besides...Nurse Medusa has never come here…

SA: A man can dream, can't he my lord?!

Enter Serana and Draugr.

SB: E-excuse us...I hope we aren't interrupting anything…

LD: Not at all! Please! Come in!

DA:[To Serana] We've got this…

As they got closer, her Soul Protect became ineffective at shielding her true nature from the two adults.

SA:[In disbelief] No way...Lord Death! Get behind me! She's a witch!

SB: Y-yes, but-

SA: She even admits it!

DA: We're not here to fight!

SA: Save your breath, kid! It's weapons like you that make me sick! Helping witches and betraying your kind!...I'll end this right now![Spirit charges at Serana with blades as arms]



[Draugr stretched out his arm to guard Serana from the Death Scythe's attack]

DA: If you think I'm going to just stand here and watch you kill my Meister, you've got another thing coming old man…

SA: What the...How is your arm not opened up like a fillet?!

DA: Because, "Spirit"...I'm a Weapon from the Yggdrasil Tribe...I can harden my skin like the bark of the World Tree itself…

LD: A Weapon from the Yggdrasil Tribe?...Well I'll be!...I've heard rumors about your Tribe's abilities, but to see them firsthand is quite an honor…

SA: How can a Weapon like you protect a witch!?!

DA: She may be a witch, but she's not a menace...I've seen her help humans in need...I feel her soul...It may be a witch's soul, but it's the purest witch soul I've ever felt!

SA: Damn fool! She's deceiving you! The only good witch is a dead one!

[Draugr and Spirit locked up with weaponized arms, staring each other down]

Meanwhile, Lord Death and Serana started talking as the two weapons fought.

LD: So...What brings a young witch like yourself to me?!

SB: I'm a witch from the Benevolent Covenant...Me and Draugr came here to enroll in the academy, Lord Death…

LD: So your a Meister, AND a witch...And..This Draugr is your weapon partner!?

SB: Yep!...And that Spirit guy is your weapon?!

LD: Among others, yes...Would you like some tea?

SB: Uhhhm...Sure.

Back to the fight.

DA: Step off, old man!

SA: Old man?! I'm 31!

DA: That's twice my age!

SA: You're pretty tall for a 15 year old!

DA: I'm 14...Around the same age as your daughter, Maka, huh?

SA: How do you know my little girl!?

DA:[Lying] I know her lips pretty well!


LD: How does he know about Maka?

SB: He had his right eye baptized in Mímisbrunnr, giving him immense knowledge and the ability to see into the past and futuress...At the expense that he can't see the present with it, rendering him blind in that eye.

LD: Wow! How interesting!...So he lied about kissing Maka?

SB: Yep! He's getting into his head…

SA: Bullshit! If anything, she'd have a relationship with her weapon partner!

DA: Oh! You mean Soul!? He's given me the okay...He even agreed to play at our wedding!

SA: Wedding!?!

DA: Yeah! In about 7-10 years, I'm gonna ask for her hand in marriage! Matilda[Maka's mother] even likes me! Once I get her blessing, I'm all set!

SA: There's no way in hell I'll give you MY blessing!

DA: Ha! Don't make me laugh! Like I need the blessing from a womanizing scumbag father like you!

SA: You're dead, kid! *HEYAH!*


[Spirit slashed Draugr's left arm off by the socket]



DA: 'tis but a scratch!

SA: This isn't Monty Python, kid! Your arm is gone!


[Draugr punched Spirit square in the jaw, sending him in a backwards spiral]

DA: And yet I'm still kicking your dinosaur ass!

SA: *Growls* You son of a…*HA!*


[Spirit hacks off Draugr's last arm]

SA:[Panting] It's over, kid!...You're completely disarmed!...So much for "Kicking my ass"...


[Draugr dropkicked Spirit with enough force to send him tumbling back]

DA:[Walking towards Spirit] A great weapon keeps fighting, no matter what happens to them…

SA:[Getting up] You don't know when to quit…

DA: Funny...I was about to say the same thing…


[Draugr stomped on Spirit's gut, following up by kicking him across the room]

Ya ever thought about retirement, pops?!

SA:[Fed up] Don't call me "pops"!

DA:[Taunting] Why not?! After all, I should get used to the idea of you being my father-in-law…

LD: Wow...He's good at pushing buttons…

SB: Unfortunately…

SA: NO!!!

[Spirit lunges at Draugr, but he evades it and counters with a hurricane kick, sending Spirit to the ground once again]

DA: Face fact, Spirit...You should get used to calling me "son"...

SA:[Shouting] NEVER!!!


[Spirit severs another limb of Draugr. Now he only has a leg]

You're done, kid...Give up…

DA: Am I?


[Draugr somersaults towards Spirit and springs into a headbutt, hitting him in the abdomen, and backflipping a kick in]

SA: Screw this!



[Finally, Spirit sliced Draugr's last leg off, causing him to fall to the floor, still upright]

DA: Hmmm...How about we call it a draw?...


LD: Well...Seems like his career as a demon weapon has been...Cut short?! Ha!? HA!?

SB: No...That joke isn't...Cutting it for me…

LD:[Let down] Awww…[Realizing] Oh! Hohoho! Nice one!...But seriously, he's only a torso, head and neck now…

SB: Wait for it…

DA: You know what...Your right Mr. Albarn…

SA: Finally!

DA: I'm not one to settle for draws…


[Draugr's severed legs kicked Spirit with great force, then reattached themselves to Draugr, who jumped back up]

SA:[Disoriented] Uhhhh…

*POW!* *POW!*

[Draugr's severed arms soared towards Spirit, punching him with a cross to turn him around and an uppercut to send him airborne, then returning to Draugr]

LD: What was that?!

SB: Weapons of the Yggdrasil tribe have superhuman regeneration...They can even use their limbs as weapons when they are cut off…

LD: Amazing!

SA:[Frustrated] That's it! I've had enough of this! Witch-Hunter![One of his limbs transformed into Witch-Hunter]

SB:[Confused] Wait...Isn't Witch-Hunter a Soul Resonance Technique used by Scythe-Meisters and their weapon partners!?

LD: For the most part, yes...But if a Demon Scythe is proficient and skilled enough in performing it, and powerful enough to do so, such as a Death Scythe, they can perform it alone...However...It will not be as powerful as if it were more traditionally performed…

SB: Oh! I get it! Just like Hex-Piercer* and Hex-Hacker*…

LD: Exactly!...Wait, are you saying that he can do them solo?

SB:[Nodding] Mmmhmm!

DA: Hex-Hacker![His forearms transformed into Hex-Hacker]

SA&DA:[Charging at one another]

LD: Death Chop!
SB: Shade Stream!


[Death hit Spirit with his infamous Death Chop, while Serana blasted Draugr with a beam of Magical Shadows]

LD&SB:[Chastising] No more fighting you two!

SA&DA:[Refusing] NO!

SB:[Now with a third eye, and sanguine irises. Using her Madness Wavelength to control them] No more fighting...Now!

SA&DA:[Monotone] Yes m'lady…[They got up to bow to her]

LD:[Shocked] You're a Kishin!?

SB:[Returning to normal] Uhm no!...Not exactly...You see...My father, Dracula was a-

SA: Dracula!?! Your father is Dracula!?

SB: Yes...As I was saying…

SA: That's it...She dies now…


LD:[After chopping his head again] Let her finish, Spirit...Go on…

SB: As I was saying...Dracula is my father...But he became a Kishin, did horrific stuff, wandered around Eurasia for centuries, met a girl that he'd name me after, and revoked his inner Kishin to protect her.

LD: So...That girl he protected...Was she your mother?

SB: What?! No! What kind of narcissistic parent names their kid after themselves?!



DA:[Knowing the irony] Awkward…

SB: The girl ended up being the ward of my mother and father...But she was killed by the Witch Order before I was born...So they named me after her in her honor…

SA: So...Your father, Dracula, is a Kishin-

SB: Technically true...Plus he's a Warlock…

SA: Lord Death...We can't let her live! She's a huge threat to us all!!!

LD: If she was, she'd have tried to vanquish me while you squaredanced with Draugr…

DA: FYI: I never met Maka personally before...Just tried to throw you off your game…

SA:[Relieved] *Phew!*....That's a relief…But my lord! She's a witch!

DA: Not all witches are evil, you bigot…

SA: I've never met a friendly one!

SB: Hi! Serana Balaur! Nice to meet you, Mr…?

SA: Albarn...Spirit Albarn...Wait, are you tricking me with that mind control stuff right now!?

SB: No...I grow a third eye whenever I do that…

SA: What are you two kids even doing here anyways!?

DA: Isn't it obvious? We're here to enroll in the DWMA…

SA: You can't be serious!?!

LD: Oh, they are...And I'm actually considering it…

SA: Seriously?!

LD: Seriously…

SA: You can't, Lord Death! She can't be trusted!

SB: You don't even know me!

SA: Knowing what you are is plenty enough!

LD: Come now, Spirit...Like I said, If she wanted to do something nefarious, she would have done it while you were playing patty cake with her partner…

DA: He has a point…

SA: You can't be serious about letting her join the DWMA!? She can be a spy for all we know!

SB: More like an ambassador for the Benevolent Covenant…

LD: See! She's an ambassador!

SB:[Cupcakes in hand] I brought cupcakes…

LD: She brought cupcakes!

SA: She could have poisoned them!

SB: Unless you're allergic to milk, eggs, or gluten, these aren't poisonous…

SA: Uh..Uh…

LD: Then it's settled...Serana Balaur and Draugr…

DA:[Finishing] Askr...Draugr Askr…

LD:[Continues] Draugr Askr...I hereby accept your request for enrollment in the DWMA...Starting tomorrow, you two will start our N.O.T. Classes and-

DA:[Interrupting] Whoa, whoa, whoa! What!?! We didn't come here just to sit on our asses and study day in and day out! We came to fight against common enemies! We belong in the E.A.T. Class!

SB:[Confused] N.O.T.?...E.A.T.?...What's he talking about?!

SA: He's talking about our two different curriculums...N.O.T. stands for Normally Overcome Target Classes...It's mostly studying and training...The E.A.T. Classes are our more advanced classes, which involve the sanctioned hunting of Kishin Eggs and even witches…

SB: Oooh...Yeah...Draugr's right...We came here to fight…

LD: Well I'm sure you are, but you can't just skip N.O.T. and go straight into E.A.T.

DA: So when your kid comes here and demands to enroll him and his weapon partners, you're gonna send them to the N.O.T. instead of the E.A.T.?!

LD: He's gonna want to join!?

DA: Eventually…

LD: Hmmm...I guess you're right...Although...It would be somewhat unfair to the other students...Tell you what, if you two can pass the N.O.T. finals tests, I'll have you enrolled in our E.A.T.

SB: Sounds fair enough!

DA: Yeah...Well take your tests…

After completing the tests handed to them, their grades came back exceptionally well

LD: Well I'll be!...You two are quite sharp...Very good...You two will now be enrolled in the E.A.T. Classes...Don't be late on your first day of class! Sid doesn't tolerate tardiness…

SB&DA: Thank you, Lord Death.[They both start to leave]

SB:[Remembers] OH!...Almost forgot…[Pulls out a list] This list has the names and aliases of every witch, warlock, sorcerer/sorceress, monsters, and every other one of the Coven's members, associates, allies, and acquaintances that we have...So if you could NOT kill anyone on this list, that'd be great…[She telekinetically handed over the list]

LD: Well of course! The less enemies and more allies, the better!

SB: Thank you so much Mr. Death!

LD: Please...Call me Death! Mr. Death was my father's name…

Everyone: Really!?

LD: Just kidding!

Everyone: Oh…

The duo walked out of the room.

SA: Lord Death...Are you sure about this?!

LD: I'm sure...I don't believe in sins of the father, Spirit...However...We should keep an eye on her, just as a precaution...With that said, I'd like you to tell every faculty member about the meeting we'll have after school...So we can discuss the...Odd news…

SA: That's a good idea…

Back with the duo. Walking to exit the academy, they run into a very concerned Demon Weapon.

Tsubaki Nakatsukasa:[Nervous] Excuse me, but have you seen a kid with sky blue hair around?

SB: Uhhh...No-

DA: Light blue spikey hair, a bit on the short side?

TN: Yeah…

DA: Wearing black and white, with no sleeves?

TN: Yeah.

DA: Has a tattoo of a star on his shoulder?

TN: Yeah!

DA: By any chance named "Black 🌟 Star"?


DA: Nope! Sorry...Haven't seen him...Hope you find him though…

TN: B-but…

Cap. SB: Tsubaki! What are you doing out of class?!

TN:[Caught off guard] OH! Hi sir!

Cap. SB: Don't you play this off! When you're in trouble, it's Mr. Barrett! Now why are you skipping class!?

TN: S-skipping?! I'm not skipping!

Cap. SB: Really?!...Well then, you want to tell me why you're out of class?

TN: I...Have to go to the bathroom?!

Cap. SB: You went to the bathroom twenty minutes ago!

TN: I...Didn't have to go...Until now…?

Cap. SB: You were looking for Black 🌟 Star, weren't you?


Cap. SB: So was I...Turns out HE had to go...He's in class, where YOU should be…

TN:[Relieved] *Phew!*...That's a relief…

Cap. SB:[To Serana and Draugr] So you two...I guess you both are now enrolled?

SB: That's right! I'm so excited!

DA: I guess you'll be our teacher, Captain Sid Barrett…

Cap. SB: How do you know my full name?

DA: Lord Death spoke very highly of you and your partner…

Cap. SB: He did?!...Well then...I should thank him personally...Anyways, I'll see you two tomorrow...Don't be late…

DA: Before you go, you should know something…

Cap. SB: Go on.

DA: It seems like there's a last minute faculty meeting after school's out…

Cap. SB:[Annoyed] Really?...*Sighs*...Hope it's not a long meeting...Come on Tsubaki...Class isn't over yet…

TN: Yes sir!

As the two pairs leave, Black 🌟 Star looms above, observing the whole encounter.

Black 🌟 Star: Seems like that guy with the eyepatch knows a lot about me...He described me very well without ever meeting me...I guess my reputation precedes me!...And that girl...She was very quiet...Too quiet...Like she's hiding something...Or she's one of those silent but strong types...Either way...I will fight them...And I will beat them! Because I'm The Extraordinary Black 🌟 Star!

MN:[Snuck up on Black Star] Are you sure you're a ninja?!

B🌟:[Freaks out. Struggles to keep balance] AAAAAH! You scared me! And yes! I AM a ninja assassin!

MN: Well then you better sneak your way back to class before Sid gives you detention again…

B🌟: Yes ma'am![He darts off back to class]

Serana and Draugr regroup with Bart.

BB:[Perches on Serana's shoulder] Well, well, well...I'd say it's good to see you again, but honestly, I'm surprised to see you at all! Guess things went well.

SB: Yes!
DA: No…

BB: Well, which is it?!

DA: His Death Scythe tried to kill us...I had to fight him off…

SB: Buuut...We're both starting classes tomorrow! Eeeee! I'm so excited! I've got to go tell my parents! Where's our new place!

BB: Follow me…

Bartholomew led them to a beautiful three-story house on a hill, with a balcony permitting the top floor.

[Opens up the door] We're home!

SB&DA:[Astonished] WOAH!...

SB: This place is beautiful!

DA: So...How broke are we now?...

BB: Don't you worry about it...I told the realtor that I worked for the Romanian monarchy and that the romanian government would cut him a big check for his best property!

SB: *Sighs*...You know I hate abusing my royalty...But this place is beautiful!

BB: Sure is! The guy said it was built for a filthy rich photographer turned philanthropist...Moved to South Africa...Doing good work for those in need…

SB: WOW! This house has such a great history!

BB: I'm kidding! He had a huge gambling problem! Blew all of his money in Vegas, and lives gods know where anymore!

DA: That sounds more realistic…

SB: That poor man...I hope he's doing okay…

BB&DA: Probably not…

BB: But...He did have a darkroom that would be perfect to set up the Penumbra Portal*…

SB: It sure would be! Let me set it up![She goes into the darkroom and pricks her finger to draw a spell circle with her blackened blood and says an incantation]

Darkness darkness hear my call
Absent of light you shall fall
Bridge the gap on our world
Straight through the abysmal field

The circle glowed a scarlet red, until two silhouettes came through.

Hi mom! Hi dad!

Magnolia Balaur: Hello sweetheart![She hugs and kisses Serana]

Vlad Balaur:[Joining in on the hug] How's my little princess been!?

SB: I'm fine! Better than fine! You're looking at the newest addition to the DWMA!

MB: They let you in?! Oh, honey we're so happy for you!

VB: And quite honestly surprised...I would have guessed that they would have chased you out of the city with pitchforks and torches and sickles and whatever else they use…

MB: Vlad!

VB: I'm sorry, I'm being, how you say…"A wet blanket?" I am so proud of you, my little princess…

SB: Dad! Quit calling me that! It's embarrassing!

DA: But true...Your highness…[He bows]

SB:[Flushed with embarrassment] And what are you?! My knight in shining armor?!

VB: Shining, no...But knight...Da(Yes)...

MB: Ooo! Please show us around! I want to see my baby girl's place!

SB: Eej!(ээж/Mother) Bi odoo khüükhed bish!(би одоо хүүхэд биш/I'm not a baby anymore!)

VB: Pentru noi, ești...Mama ta și cu mine avem secole, micuța mea prințesă…(To us, you are...Your mother and I are centuries old, my little princess…)

SB: Can we please speak in a language we all understand? Draugr probably can't understand a single word we're saying!

DA: Ene khoyoryn khelsen bükhniig bi oilgoj baina…(Энэ хоёрын хэлсэн бүхнийг би ойлгож байна/I understand everything the both of them said…) Cum se antrenează spadasinul cu brațul drept?(How goes your swordsman training with your right arm?)

VB: Vedea! El ne înțelege perfect!(See! He understands us perfectly!)

SB:[Starring with her arms crossed]

MB: Za, bolj baina…(За, болж байна.../Okay, okay…)
VB: Bine bine…(Okay, okay…)

VB: We'll stick to this country's tongue…

BB: They just got here...I'll give you all the tour…

Everyone: Thank you, Bart…

Bartholomew gives the tour, showing of the 4 bedrooms, 3 ½ bathrooms, large and stocked kitchen, enormous living room, and large indoor pool and jacuzzi, then finishing the tour with the top floor balcony.

BB: By the way, your highness...We kind of need a big check to stay here…

VB: *Sighs*...Of course you do…[He pulls out a checkbook and writes a large sum] Take it…

BB:[Looking at the check] Hoo hoo hoo! That realtor is gonna have a heart attack!

As the family catches up, they hear a knock at the door.

BB:[Walking towards the door] I'll get it…

He opens the door to reveal it to be Lord Death.

LD: Heyo, kiddos! I see you got settled very quickly…[He looks at Dracula]

VB: Lord Death...It's an honor to finally meet you...And with better circumstances no less…

LD: So...You're Dracula...Strange...I thought your soul would be a lot darker…

VB: There was a time when it was...But I've regrown so much since then…

LD: And to think that I called for your elimination...Though it seems like someone attempted to eliminate you by the looks of it...How'd you lose your arm?

VB: Ah, yes...It was on the day we lost Serana...A traitorous witch killed her and stole my arm...It was my dominant arm too...But I'm worried about why she stole it in the first place...I don't like the fact that a witch could be experimenting with it...Who knows what evil they can develop from it…

LD: Hmmm...That doesn't sound good at all...Do you have any idea who it could be?!

VB: Unfortunately no...She wore a mask and hood all the time...But I'd recognize her voice again if I heard it…

LD: Hmmm...I don't like the idea of a witch with the arm of a Kishin either...I'll be sure to have our intelligence agency look into it…[To Magnolia Magnolia] And you must be Serana's mother...It's an honor to meet a leader of the Benevolent Covenant…

MB: The pleasure's all mine, Lord Death…

BB: So you're Lord Death...Thought you'd be scarier…

LD: There was a time when it was...And who might you be?

BB: My name is Bartholomew...But everyone calls me Bart...I'm a bat with an extremely high expertise in magic...I act as Serana's familiar…

LD: How interesting...Well anyway, I came here to notify young Serana that the faculty of DWMA has been informed about your...Heritage…

Everyone: How did they take it?

LD: Well…

[Flashback to the meeting]

Facility: Are you serious!?!

Cap. SB: That little girl...Is…

MN: A witch!

Doctor Medusa: A Kishin…

Tsar Pushka:[Via video call] Count Dracula's daughter…

SA:[To Death] SEE! Thank you! Please help me talk some sense into Lord Death!

LD: Talk some sense into me!? Like I'm senile?! I've already made my decision...She is to be a Meister in our academy, along with her weapon partner…

Jinn Galland:[Via video call] Lord Death...No one is opposed to the weapon joining, but this girl?!

Feodor:[Via video call] She's the literal embodiment of everything the DWMA was made to destroy!

Marie Mjolnir:[Via video call] That may be so...But if a Weapon from the Yggdrasil Tribe vouches for her, maybe we should really consider that she's not an enemy, but an ally…

SA: Come on, Marie! Don't trust a person you haven't even met because he's from the same tribe as you!

Matilda Simmons:[Via video call] Hey, rust-for-brains...Marie isn't from the Yggdrasil Tribe…

MM: Thank you, Matilda...Spirit...I'm from the Aesir Tribe, NOT the Yggdrasil Tribe…

SA: Really?! Then why did he have an eyepatch just like you!?

MM: He does?!...How old is he?

SA: He said he was 14…

MM: 14?!...That's so young…

Clay Sizemore: What's so young?

MM: He's a Sjáandimímiabrunnr...Basically, it's a ritual that one can take in which a person can sacrifice sight in either one eye or both to gain immense knowledge and the ability to see into the past and futures...In exchange for the person's capability to see the present...A.K.A. blinding them in any eye that it was performed on…

Dr. M: How fascinating!...Is this ritual exclusively for Demon Weapons?!

MM: Not at all, Dr. Medusa...Theoretically it should work with any sentient being...I've even been told that it could work on witches...Turning them into "Norns"...

Dr. Franken Stein:[Via video call] How peculiar...The gaining of immense knowledge and the ability to see into the past and futures all for the sacrifice of an eye or two?...Part of me would like to participate in such a ritual…But the other part of me would miss the pursuit of knowledge...And the nitty gritty processes of discovering such revelations…

Dr. M: I must disagree, Dr. Stein...Although I can see why you would be apprehensive about such a ritual...After all, what's the point in trial and error if one could potentially get the answer you needed from the get go…

MM: I hate to disappoint you both, but it's not limitless knowledge...It's more like a big ol' boost in intelligence and learning things that another person discusses frequently…

MN: So, the latest gossip?

MM: Kinda, yeah…But supposedly it increases in effectiveness the longer you posses it…And it progresses faster the younger you do it...

Dr. FS: Marie...You're making this harder and harder to resist…

MM: Well, it's a painful process...You actually have to rip the eye out and dip it into the well…

LD: Ouch…

Dr. FS: A little pain never hurt anybody…

MS:[Sarcastic] Yeah...Casual mutilation is nothing to cry about…

MM: Dr. Stein, I'd have to advise against it! If you are not given Mimir's blessing, you'll end up brain dead attempting to do it by yourself!

Dr. FS: Now that's a catch...I will heed your warning, Marie...After all, I'm quite fond of my brain…

SA: Weren't you going to tell us what the difference between your two tribes are?

MM: Oh, right...Well, to put it simply, we both are from a land called Bifrost...And in Bifrost, the land is inhabited by nine tribes, and divided into nine lands...I'm from the Aesir Tribe, from Asgard, and this boy is from the Yggdrasil Tribe that lives in the World Tree itself, but they also occupy the frozen, misty lands of Niflheim...The thing about the Yggdrasil Tribe is that they kind of act as the mediators between the other tribes...For instance, my tribe has some old conflicts with the Vanir and the Jotun Tribes respectively...And the Yggdrasil Tribe basically keeps the peace...But the Demon Weapons of Bifrost, such as us, all can trace our ancestry from Nidavellir, the land of the Dwarves…

Cap. SB: Wait...Dwarves exist?...

MM: They do, yes...But they aren't what you would picture...They look like everybody else, just a bit shorter…

MS: So...Basically the Yggdrasil Tribe comprises of people who are taught right from wrong…

MM: Exactly...Maybe there's more to this girl than her bloodlines…

SA: I wouldn't trust that Draugr Askr with-

MM:[Interrupting] Wait! Askr?! He wouldn't have said that he was related to a man named Gungnir Askr, did he?

SA: No. Why-

LD:[Reading aloud from the back of the list]

Dear Lady Mjolnir, Daughter of Thor Mjolnir,

Yes. My father is Gungnir Askr and my mother is a foreigner named Tala Bituin-Askr. My father spoke very highly of you. As did your father Thor "The Hammer" Mjolnir. I look forward to striving to be a Death Weapon like you someday.

Draugr Askr

MM:[Looking upset] He's...Gungnir's kid…?

SA: Who's Gungnir?!


MM:[Tearing up] He…*Sniffles* He was my best friend…[Blows her nose into a tissue] first crush![She gets off screen and continues to cry]

SA: As...I was saying...I wouldn't trust that kid with my life, let alone his judgement of her…

LD: You're just being a sourpuss because he beat you around…

MS: I like this kid already…

SA: C'mon Matilda! Why you gotta do me like that?!

LD: Besides...She brought cupcakes! And I can testify that they taste delicious!

Dr. M: Lord Death, could I see one of those cupcakes?

LD: Of course![Death hands over a cupcake to Medusa]

Dr. M:[After sniffing it, she deduced that they weren't tainted with any poisons, potions or magic. She then turned her attention to the wrapper, noticing runes in them, for the purpose of long distance transportation]
The cupcakes themselves don't have an ounce of magic or concoctions that are to bring harm...But I suspect that the runes on the paper wrappers are for them to be transported magically…

Dengu Dinga:[Via video call] And how do you mean, Doctor?

Medusa walks over to the screen showing Dr. Franken Stein and looks as if she were attempting to hand over the cupcake. Miraculously, the cupcake phases into the screen and is now in the possession of Dr. Franken Stein.

Dr. FS:[Examines the cupcake] How marvelous…[He then takes a bite of the dessert] This is delicious...Hmmm...I wonder…[He takes the wrapper and wraps it around his lighter, then tries to pass it through the screen. As before, it went through]

Everyone: Incredible! How can such a thing be possible?! Think of the applications this could provide if used on a larger scale! This could revolutionize the DWMA! The DWMA?! This can revolutionize the world!

SA:[Bangs his fists into the table] So it's a neat party trick! Big deal! She's still way too dangerous to have around our students, more specifically our daughter Matilda!

MS: Don't you dare bring Maka up in this discussion, Spirit! Besides...I think it's more of a liability if we don't have her join and instead do something reckless...If she is indeed an ambassador from the Benevolent Covenant, we'll make more needless enemies because we played into our fears!

Everyone:[Murmuring in agreement]

SA: B-but…

MS:[Continues] Not to mention that her weapon partner could have his tribe potentially wage war against us as well...We should let them both in, but we should play it safe and keep our eyes peeled on her...As a precaution…

LD: You read my mind, Matilda...With that said, I think that this meeting is adjourned...If everyone in the room would be a dear and pass the cupcakes out to the others, that would be swell!

End of flashback.

SB: So...They all know about me…

LD: Yes...But on the brighter side, everyone loved your cupcakes! Even Spirit seemed to enjoy it!

MB: That's wonderful news!

VB: It's understandable for you all to be suspicious of us...But I can assure you that we are genuine in our motives…

LD: I actually believe you…[To Serana] It will ultimately be up to you if you'd like to share your true nature with your fellow students…

SB: Thank you, Lord Death…

LD: And whatever you did to the wrappers is remarkable! Everyone thought it was the best thing they've ever seen! What exactly is it?

MB: Oh, you mean the transpaper? That marvel of magic was the genius of our little prodigy of a daughter! She first made it when she was only three...

VB:[Pinching Serana's cheeks] She made her own spell when she was still in diapers!

SB:[Smacking his hand away] DAD! Don't embarrass me in front of the Lord Death!

LD: Oh, it's quite alright! I know how having a kid is like...He's a very promising successor...If not a bit of a neat freak...But if I may so bold as to ask some questions?

Everyone: Of course.

LD: Thank you...Dracula...How did you survive my Death Scythes?!

VB: I was thanks to Igor's sacrifice...Using magic, we disguised him as me while I fled…

LD: I see...And may I ask why you use the surname "Balaur"?

VB: Dracula died with his order...Besides...I'm sure if my dear Serana introduces herself as "Serana Dracula" to her colleagues, thing's might not end up so good…

LD: Good point...And finally, I have a less personal question...Why is it that Warlocks are so few and far between?

MB: Oh! That's easy! Unlike most others, Witches outnumber our fellow Warlocks 5 to 1…

VB: Yes...I asked my mother the same thing when I was but a child...Warlocks are a bit rare...But with being rarer, we have a greater resistance to attacks...Both physical, magical and spiritual...Making us tougher to kill…Other than that and our sex, we aren't much different from our witch sisters...

LD: That explains a lot...And I am of the understanding that you are still of royal lineage?!

VB: Da...I am the king of Transylvani-Ah...My mistake...Romania...You'd think after a few centuries that I'd be able to get it's new name right…

LD: Making your wife your queen...And Serana a princess...Well...I didn't even realize that we would have royalty in this campus…

BB: This place I found certainly is fit for royalty!...All it needs is a killer housewarming party and it'll feel like a palace!

MB: Ooo! A party sounds like a wonderful idea to breathe life into this place!

SB: Right now!?! We didn't even start unpacking!

VB: Darling, that's what Silhouettes are for…*Snap!*

From every shadow spawned shadowy figures which then began to unpack the trio's luggage.

LD: Impressive…

SB: But dad! We've only just arrived today! We should just relax for now! Settle in! And maybe have a...Little party later down the line…

DA: That would be best for us...Counterpoint, throwing a party would be a good way of getting to know our colleagues...Ultimately, the decision should be yours...Princess Serana…

SB: Ooohohoo! Don't you even!...Well...

Spell-Piercer=Soul Resonance technique for Spear-Meisters and Spear-Weapons.

Hex-Hacker:Soul Resonance technique for Axe-Meisters and Axe-Weapons.

Penumbra Portal=Specialize spell used to make portals that allow long distance travel instantaneous. Only works in dark/low-light or pitch black scenarios.
How about in two months?
End Of Story

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