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Character Introduction Time!

Name: Serana Balaur

Age: 13

Race: Witch(Romanian and Mongolian decent)

Body Type: Model-esque

Height: 5' 6"

Eye Color: Magenta

Hair Color: Jet black

Hair Style: Princess-esque with crimson red frosted tips on her front bangs

General Attire:

A black and red romanian blouse with a long, dark fur coat over it and a ruby bat brooch

A traditional romanian skirt

Knee-high black studded combat boots

Ruby earrings

A handmade scarf that she wears to cover herself on sunny days

Voice to reference: Ashley Burch

Parents: Vlad "The Impaler" III Dracula. A.K.A. Dracula.

Vlad Dracula was the son of Vlad Dracul(Human), and his mother(Witch), technically making him a Warlock[Male equivalent of a Witch]. As he became known as Vlad the Impaler", he was on his way to becoming a Kishin, and being of Witch ancestor, he was able to use Soul Protect to successfully evade Lord Death himself. Once he became a Kishin, he was able to transform a group of his most loyal subjects that, through his Magic and Madness wavelength, turned into vampires(Also known as Bloodsuckers). Eventually, Lord Death caught wind and sent his Death Scythes to eradicate Dracula's order that terrorized humanity. Dracula was able to escape from the purging due to the sacrifice of Igor, his right hand man, acting as the group's leader. Once his order of vampires were annihilated, he wandered around the Eurasian continent for centuries until he ran into a young girl named Serana, who was being threatened by a pack of Kishin Eggs. After looking into her eyes to see her pure soul, Vlad remembered that before all the horrendous atrocities that he committed, he used to have a pure soul just like her. From then on, he revoked his Kishin ways and rescued the girl. After defeating them, he realized that the girl was injured. Serana spoke of a healer that was rumored to live nearby. After taking the young girl to the healer's home he realized that the healer, named Magnolia, was a Witch herself.

Voice to reference: Ron Perlman

Mother: Magnolia

Magnolia was born into the Witch Coven known as the Benevolent Covenant, a coven of predominantly witches(And some warlocks) that have chosen to live in harmony with the human races, offering goods and services, as well aid with their knowledge of Magic. They don't claim to be witches, opting to be called "White sorcerer/sorceress" instead.

Voice to reference: Lori Alan

Draugr Askr

Age: 14

Race: Human/Demon Weapon(Scandinavian and Philippine decent)

Weapon type: Polearm(Axe, spear, club, etc)

Body Type: Lanky and tone

Height: 5' 11"

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Color: Black with ash blonde streaks

Hair Style: Messy

General Attire:

A graphic T-Shirt with a faded and worn canvas jacket

Grey cargo pants

Hiking boots with hiking spikes

Bandana & eyepatch(Right eye)

Draugr is a member of the Yggdrasil tribe. An old tribe of Demon Weapons deriving their powers and abilities from the Yggdrasil Tree. Masters of Wavelength Control to rival Death's Scythes. Even having techniques that are unknown to outsiders.

Voice to reference: Dante Bosco

Bartholomew A.K.A. Bart

Race: Monster Bat

Act's as Serana's familiar. Extremely powerful in magic.

Voice to reference: Alex Hirsch
Post-Dr. Stein & Post-Death the Kid.
End Of Story

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