* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

Cloud 9

It has been a while since you've made contact with your other cousin, Monkey "Cloud Cloud",
so why don't you call her?

You pick up your cell phone and realize, you don't even have her number!

"Ugh," you grunt with stubborness, "I'm so stupid! Why didn't I even ask for her contact???"

You bonk yourself on the head for a while with a rubber hammer.
Then you just decide to see what's on T.V.

"Let's see what's on T.V," you exclaim as you sit on your crappy sofa and turn on your box television.
You haven't really got anything nice since you're pretty poor, at least you still have internet!

You browse some of the channels until you come across something...


You screech with anger as you see on the screen, "The Monkey Poo Poo Show."
Oh boy, they're still making films, even without you!

"B-but, I thought I was the main character!!!" you bawl in despair.

You start to roll on the floor, tears dripping down your cheeks. But you breathe in, and
then out.

You say to yourself, "Calm down, it's okay, Monkey Poo Poo! They're probably just as poor as you!"

But as you say that, you glance over to the television.

"THEY BOUGHT A MANSION!? THREE CARS??? WHAT!?!?!" you exclaim as you bawl your eyes out on
the floor again.

You were on the road up to Cloud 9, but you just fell back down to the graveyard.

You didn't really do anything else for the next few hours. No, scratch that.

You didn't really do ANYTHING for the rest of the day. All you did was think about
how rich you could've been.




Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire
End Of Story