* Monkeying Around - The MPP Show * (WIP)

MPP Stew?

"Actually, this is for you! PanPan the panda, right?"

PanPan gets excited, "Ooh! Yes! Thank you so much!"

He proceeds to hug you with his giant bear hug.
You cannot escape and can barely even breathe.

You start to cough out, "UhH, yeah!! HEh heh... now um.. can you let go of me?"

PanPan stares at you real closely while hugging you.

You nervously sweat.

"Um, was it something I said?" you say.

"Hey... I know that stinky smell..." PanPan growls.

You sweat even more.

"...and you're not even the regular delivery person.."

You sweat EVEN MORE.

PanPan starts to chuckle.

"Hehe, w-what?" you question him while chuckling too.

"Ohoho!" PanPan stares you down, "yOu're gOINg t0 bE a LOVeLy MEaL!!!"

"whA- NOOOOOooooooo!!!!!" you scream out.







Sunday - Day 2

The sun rises. It's a lovely day. The smell of flowers and
vibrant roses in the morning.

Everybody in the house is waking up to another glorious morning
to another delicious breakfast.

"Wow! It smells.. familiar..." Uni the unicorn says as she trots over to the kitchen.

What has PanPan made today?

"I made something very special for all of you!" PanPan says with delight.

Everyone gathers around PanPan.

"I just made my famous recipe! Tastes just like home!" PanPan chuckles, "Today I've
made... Monkey Poo Poo Stew!"

Everyone cheered as they ate, ate, and ate. Every. Last. Bit.





Well, I guess you're dead now :)



Copyright © 2019 Hello Young Squire
End Of Story