Kibo Takeyama: [Narrarating] My name is Kibo Takeyama...

I have a Quirk...

A powerful Quirk...

I don't even really tell anyone about just how powerful my Quirk is...

Except for my older sister, Yu, of course...

Most of the time, I simply tell people that my Quirk is "Experience"...And I explain that it allows me to continually get more powerful with training and studying...And that I can't ever regress my progress...

But, of course...That's a lie...

Well...Sort of...

I actually just multiply my physical, mental and psychological attributes up...


I usually just give up my senses to make them permanent...

I usually do that when I have some free time...And when I sleep...

But...I can do so much more...

For instance...I can scale my consciousness back against the flow of time...

In layman's terms...I can time travel...

But...It's more like I can send my mind back in time into my past body...

Meaning, I can't do it past my own birth...

And, honestly...I can't do it much more than a few months...

Once I did it for a whole year back and I immediately got a seizure when I arrived in the past...

Well...Past to me anyways...

Doesn't seem to have too big an impact on the space-time continuum...

Other than the minor things that I've changed, of course...

But no unwanted butterfly effects...

And that's just barely grazing the surface of what I can do...
End Of Story

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