House of Horrors

You follow the corridor behind the door until you get to a tunnel. It looks like it's a sewage pipe. There is water flowing down the stream, rubbish everywhere.

Just as you're deciding if you should keep going, you hear the host opening the trapdoor. "Come out wherever you are!" Shouted the angry host.

You decide whatever lies ahead is better than turning back and getting killed, so you start to run, following the water stream. You look back, and the host was right behind you chasing you with a knife. You run as fast as you could, following the pipe. Eventually, you see a ladder in front of you. You climb out, run back inside the house, and lock the host outside.

After calling the police on the house phone, you find a safe place to hide until they come and rescue you from the crazy, murderous host, who gets arrested and taken away.

You get home safely, relieved to have survived your crazy night.
End Of Story