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Sarah's super-NOT-normal day by katjacket
I really didn't want to be late, again!
I've been late to school almost every day this term, and Mr Smith said if I'm late again I'll have to clean off all the pre-chewed chewing gum from underneath the desks with NO GLOVES.
And there was a LOT of chewing gum underneath the desks, the other students would have bubble-blowing competitions when Mr Smith wasn't looking.

I decided to run up the street to Candice's place. Her mum always drove to school.

As I got there, Candice's mum was already pulling out of the driveway and up the street!

Not sure if she can see me, I jump and shout and dance about to get her attention, otherwise I'm cleaning gum off the desks for sure
She sees me and keeps driving
End Of Story

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