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The Drakes of Heaven and Earth. by NinjaHound13
Clayton Grimm:[Standing on Chico's enormous toe ring on her right foot. Waving] Sweet pea! I'm down here!

Chico Hammitt:[Looking to see him] Clay?!...Is that you?!...Your a speck!

CG: Yeah...But I'm YOUR speck!...And you...Your a thousand times more...Explorable…

CH: You look adorable at that tiny size!

CG:[Triggered] DON'T CALL ME SHORT!!!...[Snapping out of it] Huh?! Oh!...I'm sorry!...I was really short growing up...Only got to my...Previous size...A year and a half ago...But anyways...I've got a country sized foot to explore!...Now...Let's start between your beautiful toes…[He drops down between her 1st & 2nd toes and begins caressing them in all their grande beauty]

CH:[Giggles] You tickle down there...And...[Being turned on] You feel good…Maybe I'm a Macrophiliac…

CG:[On top of her big toe] Actually, it'd be Microphilia...I'M a Macrophiliac...We're a perfect pairing…[He jumps to enthrall in her second toe gap]

CH:[Enjoying it] Mmmm...This feels amazing…[She scrunches her toes] Huh!?![Relaxing them] I'M SORRY! I COMPLETELY FORGOT YOUR DOWN THERE!

CG: Baby!...It's fine!...It doesn't even hurt!...It's just feels like I'm getting a hug all over...From your amazing toes![He continued his actions in her third toe gap]

CH: Well…*Scrunch* *Scrunch*...[Holding her toes scrunched] How's that?

CG:[Pushing her toes apart with a bit of effort] Come on! Is that all you've got?!

CH: No…[She pressed down on him with a finger] How you feeling now?!

CG:[Unphased] This is nothing![He gets to her last toe gap on her right foot and begins humping her pinkie toe]

CH:[Feeling it] Hey! What are you doing down there?![She uses her hands to spread her toes to see Clayton grinding on her little toe with his groin]

CG:[Ejaculating] I told you I like feet...But I LOVE your feet!..And I love you even more…[He makes out with her toe]

CH:[Blushing] Awe! Baby!...I love you too![She brings her lips to her toes, allowing Clayton to hug and kiss her lip in return]

CG: MAN...Giant chocolate kisses are amazing...Now...Let me clean out under your toenails…[He began shoveling any gunk out of her toenails. Finishing] AND...That's that!...Now...for some kisses and climbing…He began climbing and caressing down the bottom of her foot, picking and kissing it until he got to her heel. Now on the bed] That...Was awesome!...I've never been so hard in my entire life!

CH: I know...I've felt it on you way down...But...Clayton...Aren't you forgetting something?

CG:[Rubbing her heel] What am I forgetting, my Fairy Mountain?...

CH:[Wiggling the toes on her left foot] I've got another foot here...Waiting to be explored…[She places her left foot down towards Clayton, having him between her 1st & 2nd toes] You down?...

CG:[Jumping and holding on between the gap] Hell yeah!

[Chico scrunches her toes again, with Clay between them. She then puts her foot back up in the same manner]

CH:[Gazing down on him] Well!..I'm waiting!...

CG:[Stands on her big toe] Don't worry, sweetheart!...I'll give them all the love they deserve…[He got to work. Repeating the same actions he had done to her right foot]

CH:[In absolute bliss] Mmmm...Your the best foot flea baby…

[After Clay finished, him and Chico were left to ponder his next course of actions]

CG:[Laying down next to her] Well...That was amazing...GOD!...Your skin is so soft and beautiful...Hell, everything about you is beautiful!...I really lucked out with you…

CH:[Blushing heavily] Clay!...You're so kind!...So...NOW you had enough?...Because...I'm still in the mood for...Little man…

"Sorry babe! I'm all tuckered out!"
End Of Story

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