Mickey Madhouse

You walk towards the red and white striped tent. The smell of fresh buttered popcorn and chocolate it still faintly drifting through the air. The tent is surrounded by bright lights that are used to light up the park, but something is different, they are all pointed towards the draping fabric that covers the entrance. You start to pull away the material covering the entrance opening. Right as this happens, all of the lights within the tent light up, as if a motion sensor, or camera, detected you. The footstep sounds soon become audible, but this time, there is a sand trail path leading towards the island located in the center of the store. The footsteps start to appear in the sand just about half way through. The foot marks are smooth and defined, and also massive. You creep around the glass bar just to find a pile a trash. As you start to pull away the wrappers and plastic bags from the center point, you see a whack-a-mole mallet in the center. Soon, you feel a heavy weight fall right on your back. The room turns black as you fall into the pile of trash.
End Of Story