
You sprint as fast as you can, running swiftly through the air. You only stop when you feel the cold door handle underneath your fingers. A feeling of serenity washes over you until you feel something breath on your neck. You slowly turn around, a fearful expression plastered across your face. The last thing you see is a dark, faceless creature with body of a spider looking straight at you. Suddenly your face starts tingle and you feel yourself fall to the floor. As you fade in and out of consciousness, you hear laughter. Your laughter. You put your hands to your mouth, shocked by what you hear, but it's not there. You try to scream, but no sound comes out. You feel your face. It's completely flat, completely empty. You hear the creature approach you again and you feel your head pop off your body. The creature proceeds to take your decapitated head and put it with the others as a memento of another stolen face.
End Of Story