One Way Out

"Not today," you almost screamed at John and launched into a spin kick. Your foot didn't connect for some reason. You looked and saw that John was behind you, somehow. You saw his fist come at you as you tried to dodge. You tried to return the punch but John was gone again. His speed was insane. You felt rather than saw John kick your shins and your knees turned weak.
You heard John laugh maniacally as he started beating you. You tried curling up in a ball but John would always find a way to get you exposed. You were too weak to resist when John stopped and tied you to a chair.
"Bring some boiling oil. Now," you vaguely heard John say. He then returned to tie you up again. It forced your head up. You suddenly felt scalding hot oil in your mouth. It burnt. The pain engulfed you and you phased in and out of consciousness.
End Of Story