One Way Out

You walk out of the door and see Landon coming towards you. He smiles at you and you wave at him. Nice to see a friendly face after all this... madness. You motion for him to come inside. He joins you in the room. Before you could open your mouth to speak, your knees turned into jelly as Landon kicked you in the shin. You felt cuffs click behind you and realized that Landon had handcuffed your hands together.
He laughed at your shock. "Did you really think you could trust me?" he asked mockingly. He walked over to the art supplies. Opening the box of scissors, he ordered you to kneel. The look on his face made you comply. He held a pair of scissors in his hands and laughed randomly. He thrust your head back. You opened your mouth to ask him what he was going to do but the scissors interrupted you. You felt it slide into your throat and you gagged at it.
It went uncomfortably deep. Then, you felt the blades slide outwards. It pierced your windpipe and you felt your blood seep into your lungs. Blackness clouded your vision and pain was all you felt. You felt the blades push against your skin from the inside, again.
End Of Story