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YOU save the entire Universe! by Benway
Best play it cool you think. Years of experience in wooing the fairer sex have taught you never to seem like you give a damn. Honestly, act like you have anything for her but total contempt and you'll end up "friends" sitting in a bar as she complains about all men being bastards and tries to get with the scummiest brain dead future wife beating jack-off in the room.
No way! You walk calmly exitwards.
#KILL! KILL! KILL!# screams the computer mind which controls your every move.
No! Contempt is fine, but murder is definately a faux par.
"RUN!" you yell, as you draw your weapon and advance menacingly."I'm about to do something neither of us want!"
"What; make a pass at me?"
"No, pump you full of lead with my awesome gun!"
The Batbabe buries her head in her hands. "You sad, sad man...."
#Go. Exterminate.#
You raise the gun...
And then....
End Of Story

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