
You turn and head back the way you came. The dark smoke greets you and the path begins to move under your feet in ways that should not be possible. You feel as if you are going up a great slope, though ground is completely level. The sound of bugs is deafening.

You begin to feel as if you have reached the height of the path. You begin to move down the path with ease. The path feels steeper and steeper despite the being completely flat. Suddenly, you trip over a weathered stone. Though you don't hit the ground. Gravity changes as the floor becomes a wall, you plummet down head first. You would scream if you could.

You crash into what feels like a sea of marbles. You orient yourself only to realize that what you are standing in are not marbles. They are shells, beady shells that reflect what little light there is, shining in the night. You can see nothing else for miles and miles. You hear the sounds of insects moving in a roar as the entirety the sea of cockroaches and beetles begin moving towards you. None bite you, none sting you, none pinch you.

All of them merely climb upon you and bury you in their ranks. You suffocate slowly.

This will be you 3,458th death.
End Of Story