24HRS w/ Amelia & ChuChu

“Ok, you guys voted room number 2, and I am feeling good about this one.” Amelia opens the door and sees a shiny silver object. “OMG that is like so shiny, should we check this out. I am ALL for that sparkle!” Amelia saunters towards the “shiny, metal object”. “I don’t think that’s a sparkle.” She feels the touch of a cold hand on her shoulder, and she says, “Brad you are back, I have missed you, thank you so much for coming and helping me find ChuChu.” The hand pushes her into the shiny object, which Amelia soon finds out is a guillotine. The “shiny, metal object” falls onto her neck and detaches her head from her body and her head falls to the floor. Amelia is dead.
End Of Story