
Drake picks up the pipe and wedges it in between the door, eventually just enough to open it. Drake looks out into the hallway and sees that no one is there. "Come on." He says and helps you up, your leg is still very sore but the bleeding has stopped. You both walk out into the hall and see an exit. "Wait, shouldn't we look for Josh and Kally?" You say. "No, your leg is hurt and we have to get you to a hospital," Drake makes his way to an exit and gets to the car. He places you in the back seat. "I'm going to go back and look for them. Don't move." Drake closes the door and walks back into the building. You hear a ring coming from your phone but it sounds much louder than a phone speaker. You look around to see where its coming from. The sound is getting louder and louder.
You wake up to the sound of your alarm and right away check your leg. Everything is fine and it was all a dream.
End Of Story