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Gold Rush Choose Your Own Adventure

“Sure. Why not?’’ you say, before you can think further about the matter. Your friend walks you down the hall to the room where the other men are waiting for you, and you take a seat. They ask you how much money you’re putting down, and you check your pockets. There isn’t too much money left, so you only put down five dollars. Some people nod, but others look disappointed, like they expected more. You begin to play, and, at first, it seems you have no hope to win. Eventually, after the fifth or sixth round, you win. Some of the men scowl, but you don’t notice. You celebrate and grab your money. Then you continue to play.
By this time, you have won some, and lost some. The game has been fun and you’ve even made a couple of friends. You’re about to win, when someone else does. You look at them to shake hands, and they smirk. This leaves you confused, but you realize something. He was cheating! Others realize this to. Before you know it, people are out of their chairs and cracking their knuckles. People start jumping on him, and he fights back. Soon everyone is punching and kicking at each other without knowing who is who. Someone kicks you in the head and you fall to the ground. Your vision blurs, and you find that you’ve been knocked out.
You wake to the sound of gunshots, and turn around just in time. A bullet narrowly misses you, but the person behind you isn’t so lucky. He clasps the area where his heart is and falls to the ground lifeless. There is more commotion to the right of you. You face that direction and see a man with a knife in his hand. He glares menacingly, and everyone is silent. They all stare at him with fearful looks in their eyes, but one man bravely steps to the front of the crowd. He was the man who was cheating! He is about to say something, but the other man is quicker. With an expert flick of the wrist, he sends the knife straight into the other man’s stomach. He topples over into some barrels. Then someone comes in the room.
“What has happened here?!’’ the captain shouts. He stares at the two mangled corpses with a horrified expression on his face. “Leave. Now!’’ he yells. You all file out of the boat and onto the pavement outside. No one in that room will make it to the gold fields, and you won’t either. You slunk away to your house, wishing you’d never joined them in the first place. If there was something worse than witnessing death, it was being blamed for it.

End Of Story