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Through the spaces by opals
In front of your eyes, laid a big, old-styled ceiling, and it seems like it's gonna fell down soon.
Many voices whispering your name inside your head. Among them, you recognize the one that have shouted your name before. It's a female voice that has really high pit. Then, within 2 hours, you receive the memories you had before in this body at this world.
This world is called "The Ropaic Continent", it consists many countries as well as kingdoms. Some are big, some are small. But all the people here have one similarity: practise casting magic.
Everyone believe in magic and practise how to use them. Although not many people suceed in this work, not all became fairies, but still, many people do it.
In that world of magic, the ones that can't recognise their power are trash, and you are.
Even so, your face has a really big scar that covers almost of your face makes you become the trash in trash of Ropaic Continent. Because of it, you can't even live in a house for butlers eventhough you're the third daughter of the Hisoruses, one of the three biggest magic-traditioned clan in Ropaic.
You sigh a little and begin to gain the basic knowledge of this world. While you're doing it, something happens.
The door slightly opens, a young boy looks into your room
End Of Story

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