Stuck with John

John pats his gut. "You were tasty, do you mind sharing space with some cereal?"
John burps, bouncing you in his stomach.
You feel him move around. After a little bit he settles and you hear him swallowing, shortly, some chewed up Cheerios join you in his stomach. The mashed food is hot and soft. It's heavily saturated with spit and it sticks to you. More swallowing and more mush. Eventually his stomach is filled with the chewed up pieces of cereal.
He burps loudly, and air leaves his stomach, allowing it to contract around you, beginning the process of its churning. The organ kneads you, pressing the food and you around. Liquids begin to fill the smelly chamber. You pass out as the munches up Cheerios and acids are churned by the stomach, converting the contents into a paste, you with it.
End Of Story