Extend the Story - Add a Room

*Some good name for a story about magic* by MrPersonguy
No, you're close to the town and there you'll be safe from wild life and bandits.
You continue along the dirt path until you see 5 men in the distance, all of who appear to be wearing some worn out and torn clothes. On further inxpection there appears to be two well dressed people cornered up against a tree, a man and a woman.
Staying just outside of eyesight you can hear them saying something.

"Please! Don't hurt us! If it is money you want, we can give it to you!" Screams the woman
"Mone'? Mone' ain't our problem, sweethart!" Proclaims one of the five men, who you assume to be bandits
"Ye! we don wan non ye filfy casj! Do we?" Proclaims another one, who is clearly drunk out of his mind
"Nah we wan' ye dead!" Said a third one, you wonder if they practised this?

They don't see you nor hear you, so you could sneak up on them... or just walk along like you didn't see or hear anything.
Get some fireballs in on them, before they notice you
End Of Story

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