Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

The Battle of the Realms

“Ryan, Jason, Brianna and I," you say, "will go in the cave and try to collect the gems."
“Be careful," said Brianna.
”OK”, you say.
You tiptoed into the cave, everything was so quiet you heard the muffled sound of water dripping deeper into the cave. You walked farther into the cave, the cave got significantly larger and you found the source of the dripping water: A huge underground lake and in the middle a pedestal with five shining gems. You swim over to the pedestal and grab the gems you swim back and start to run! You can see the end of the cave, that was easy you thought.Then your back split into pain and you turn around. Your vision blurs but you can make out a faint outline of a quintaped, and you dropped to the ground.
End Of Story