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You bid Horatio to do as he suggests. Since Claudius hasn't figured out that he's your friend yet, Horatio is still able to move about unhindered. He successfully makes it to town the next morning and contracts a band of six mercenaries.

Except it's not so easy to assassinate a king, especially a shifty bastard like Claudius. Looking back, you also have to admit that your friend the foreign scholar didn't really have the right kind of expertise or local knowledge for the job.

A week later, four of the six men are arrested outside Claudius's bedchamber. They're quickly traced back to Horatio, who is then traced back to you. Claudius has no proof of your involvement and thus cannot execute you publicly alongside your poor friend, but he does put you under house arrest with constant surveillance. You can't do anything now, or talk to anyone without Claudius knowing. You know it's only a matter of time before he comes up with a more permanent arrangement for you.

As you sip your morning coffee and frown at the taste of bitter almonds, you truly wish you'd thought things through a bit more.
End Of Story