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The Woods Past the Carnival by Krispy365
The Wooden Cars car pulls up. It is a different type of car, not the one you have requested. The driver is wearing a winter hat and sunglasses. Odd. It's almost a million degrees out here! He looks at you, and something about it is odd, very peculiar. It's like he's staring through the glasses. The heat of his stare makes your face turn red, so you quickly turn away. Then your phone rings.
"Hey! Where are you? Me and Jax are waiting at the carnival. Come fast, otherwise we'll leave without you!" Kaelynn cuts the call.
You quickly hop into the car and give the directions to the carnival. The driver nods, and keeps watching you through the rearview mirror. His gaze is a little queer, and creepy. You look down, hoping to avert his gaze somewhere else.
You keep your face down, not wanting to make eye contact.
End Of Story

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