Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Life of Nora by cinderpelt633
When you arrive the next day Isador is already there waiting for you. "In need of a good friend?" he asks. you put a fake look of shock across your face "I thought we were more than that!" "Okay smarty-pants, Boyfriend." and he gives you a light punch " oh, are you embarrassed that you're going out with the new girl already. Ooh, what's you're girlfriend gonna think." you tease "I don't have one he snaps back!" you step away from him with your hand on your chest "Well I guess nothing happened last night and that we didn't have plans for Friday." "Fine you mozzie. You're my girlfriend. Happy?" he replies "Yeah, I guess." you walk into the studio toghether open the doors to the main space and see a large group of people there standing, stretching, chatting, kissing. "who are they?" you whisper to Isador. "okay, so lipped locked over there are Ria and Seamus, that group of girls includes Amelia, Ellie and Stevana and those two over there are Elton and Wayne. Simple" "and she is.." you point to a girl that you saw the other night. "oh, she's Mikaela" he replies. "and why did you avoid her." you ask " Okay I know where you're going, you paranoid freak, she's going out with Elton.
End Of Story

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