Extend the Story - Add a Room

Scan and Edit by TwoTailedMoon
As soon as his brother walked out of the room Caleb giddily turned back to the computer and selected Craig's scan information.

The opportunity to prank his older sibling was just too tempting.

"Lets see...." Caleb giggled to himself as he looked at all the possible things he could change.

The boy considered making him bald or giving him a huge wart on his nose.

However, Caleb was still very interested in seeing Craig turn into a animal, so he immediately began to scroll through the countless species.

While seeing his brother as frog or a hamster was at the forefront of his mind, The ten year old stopped when he noticed a familiar species class.


The only reason the boy knew the latin term was because he was learning about the animal kingdom in science class recently.

A mischievous smirk formed on Caleb's face as he selected the option and watched as the screen previewed Craig's human form shrink down to that of an ant.

[Transformation suitable?] The program asked.

Caleb was moments away from hitting enter when Craig appeared in the door way and noticed that his scan model was back on screen.

"CALEB! I thought I said you can't- " Craig started to fume as he quickly bolted forward.

Caleb simply looked back and grinned as he hit the enter key.

Before his very eyes Craig vanished half way through his charge.

A [Transformation complete] message blinked on screen.

"Woooooahhhh..." Caleb gasped with excited disbelief as he slowly got out of the swivel chair and walked to the middle of the room where his brother 'vanished'.

The socked ten year old scanned the polished hardwood floor as he traversed forward.

The boy suddenly held his breath when he noticed a tiny black speck not far on the floor ahead of him.

Caleb grinned as stood over the puny black ant.

The random insect remained totally still, even after the two enormous socked feet rested before it.

Craig was generally very clean, so it was totally uncommon to see a random ant in his room.

"How did this little ant get in here? Oh well~" Caleb taunted playfully as he started to lift his left foot over the tiny bug.

Caleb was unexpectedly washed over with a strange feeling. There was just a surreal moment as he realized he could actually squash his brother as if he were a real bug. It sort of gave him a warm thrilling feeling.

"Heh...no where to run...bug.." Caleb could feel his own heart beat as he slowly hovered over the pathetic fleeing ant.

Craig was horrified by the strange look of intoxication on his kid brother's face far beyond the vast grey surface above him.

"So long little guy~" Caleb muttered cruely as he wiggled his toes and started to decent his foot.

"CALEB!! NO NO!! STOP!!" Craig cried as he tried to escape the impossible. There was only ever one result when it came to an ant vs a ten year old human's foot.



Craig's form was totally snuffed out. under the giant cotton covered mass.

Caleb bit his lower lip as he pressed down, never even noticing any resistance from the puny bug.

Standing on one leg, Caleb grabbed his free foot and lifted it behind his back.

The boy said nothing as he examined the dingy grey sole. There squashed into the firbers under the balls of his foot was a speck of black gunk.

The same feeling of satisfying pleasure washed over Caleb as he took slow bated breathes.

The main thing on the boy's mind was "Who am I going to scan next?~"
End Of Story

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