A Renaissance Nightmare

As you near the camp, everything looks wildly different. The bonfire has expanded all the way to the Jenga game to form a thirty foot long fire that soars high in the air. The campers stand in masses around it, and the light from the fire flickers off the armor of several knights securing the border. This fire is out of control! Why isn’t anyone doing anything?

High above the fire, a beautiful woman with red glowing tattoos is hovering naked. You notice that she seems to be luring people into the fire. In fact, instead of running from the massive flames, people seem to be jumping in them! You hear a loud chorus of “Ave Satan” throughout the camp. In the back of the crowd, you see Chuck chanting along with the crowd and staring in awe at the naked woman. You grab Chuck and try to pull her away from the flames. She stands like a stone and repeats, “Ave Satan.” You look around for Noraa, but he’s nowhere to be found. Why is he always disappearing?

You have no choice. It’s time to go straight to the source. You grab a pocketknife out of your backpack and climb a nearby RV. You think you can at least tackle the woman out of the sky from there. You lunge forward and grab the woman’s naked body. The two of you land on the other side of the fire. You raise your knife above your head prepared to attack the evil woman, but she spits in your eye before you get the chance. Her saliva feels like acid, and you lose vision in your left eye. You put your hand over your eye, and while you’re distracted the woman kicks you off of her. You look around and notice that the crowd is still in a trance. You look up at a man dressed as a monk with a silver crucifix tied around his neck chanting, “Ave Satan.” The woman is on her feet now, holding your pocketknife ready to slice you up. You panic.

You grab the monk’s legs, and he falls on top of you, taking the blow of the knife instead. The man stops chanting, and lets out a deep groan. You grab the crucifix off his neck. Desperately, you throw the dying monk off you and attack the woman with the silver cross. You smack her in the head, and instead of creating a small wound the crucifix sinks deep into the woman’s skull. Smoke comes out from her head and she screams in pain. Her scream is piercing; it doesn’t sound like a human scream. Your ears begin to bleed, and you back away from the sizzling woman. You watch the crucifix disappear into the woman’s head. She falls to the ground, continuing to scream. Her body slowly smokes and then turns into dust. A gust of wind flies by and blows away the dust, leaving no evidence of the woman. All that remains is the crucifix and the giant bonfire behind you.

You are panting as the crowd snaps out of its trance. People start grabbing nearby water sources to put out the raging flames of the bonfire. The sound of a firetruck is heard in the distance. You go find Chuck and embrace her. “Are you ok?” you ask frantically. “Are you kidding?” she asks. “This is the best year ever! I can’t wait to see what happens tomorrow!” Noraa comes out from the shadows and gives you a fist bump. “Yeah man. Best year ever…”
End Of Story