A Renaissance Nightmare

The pain in your back is transferred to your front side as they rotate your body. Your hair is set aflame along with your clothes, and pretty soon you are nothing but a bare naked, boiling body. You look at the stars when you are flipped on your back again. They leave you there for a moment. Even through your pain, you marvel at how many stars you can see out there in the wilderness. The Orion constellation is dead center like a blanket on your burning body.
With the next rotation, you see a man in gold robes and a long silver beard observing your demise. You lift your face to try and escape the flames, but there is no escape. The pole directly in front of you has some elvish writing carved into it.
Elen sila lumenn omentilmo
You don’t have time to think about what that means. Your flesh begins boiling, and you are left with only that last elvish phrase in your mind as your eyes melt down into the fire.
End Of Story