Forcing back your fears and misgivings about your present situation, you continue to breath, keeping your panic at bay as you concentrate on getting out of the cage. With a little clever ingenuity and good old fashion physics, you think you might be able to force your way out.

"One...Two..." You think to yourself. Then on three, you twist the cage door. Sure enough, the door pops out of alignment, giving you an out.

Bailey takes notice as well. Her eyes go wide, and you hear a few squeaks from behind her gag. You're not able to make out what they mean, though.

Before you can truly escape, however, you think you hear someone coming. Someone big, probably not friendly. You could try escaping and hiding now, though from the looks of the door, you could also put it back into place without it re-locking, allowing yo to observe the situation then escape later.
You're not staying in this cage one more moment - Escape Now!
End Of Story

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