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when the world was a pom-pom by Jabba
Bob brushed the setling dust from his clothes and made his way to the palace. as he walked thru the city square he took a look around, and surely enough just as the messengers had promised, every house was doorless.
As Bob approached the palace the crowd grew thicker as the entire population of the city warmed to see what the fuss was about, and to avoid the consequences which noone really knew but didn't want to find out about.
The bustle of the crowd slowly turned to a still silence as King Hooloo step onto his balconey to make his proclamation.
"As you are all aware" he shouted "i am only intrested in my peole safty. This is why i have banned foolish behaviour such a competetive port and public dancing, and have covered the streets in bubblewrap. But this however is not enough, every day i am forced to hear another horrifying story of how innocent peolpe like your good selves are falling from heights tall and small and cuasing your selves minor, and sometimes even major injuries. with this in mind i have decided to take more drastic action to prevent any such thing from reacurring. what is this action? i hear you cry. My good people" the king continued, " i have come up with my most brilliant anti-injurury measure to date... THE POM-POM WORLD!!!."
Bob looked around only to see the ret over the congregation staring blankly at eachother in confusion.
The king began agian, " We shal start by drilling a hole the size of my bathroom right thru the centre of the earth and the proceed to wrap the entire planet in wool. then your live shall be completely accident free!!!"
The king span round and walk back nto the palace, leaving the entire city in a stae of berwilderment.
Go home and allow this foolhardy plan to continue
End Of Story

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