Dan VS. Paper

Dan took out his phone, as he breathed heavily in anger. He was about to call Chris, but something compelled him to call Ted. He typed his number in.

Someone picked up on the second ring.

"Hello?" Asked Ted on the other line. Dan knew Ted didn't have any caller ID, so he wouldn't know it was him.

"Hey, Ted! Haven't talked to you in a while." Dan said in a chummy way.

"Dan?" Ted sounded startled. "Wh-why are you calling me?"

"Because, I haven't talked to you in a while, listen I need your help-" Dan started.

"No! I almost died because of you and you didn't care! Why would I help you!?" Ted yelled. "Besides, why don't you just ask that Chris-guy to help you? Or did he give up on you, too?"

"No he didn't! I thought you'd be happy I called you first!" Dan protested.

"In what way did, 'Never call me again you vengeful Jerk Faced freak.'make you think we were still friends!?" Ted yelled.

"Well..maybe you..forgave me..." Dan said hopefully.

"No." Ted said and hung up.

Dan went into the store and bought a new notebook. The first thing he wrote in it was "Ted".
End Of Story