Dan VS. Paper

Dan smirked and thought of something great. Before he cleaned the blood out, he could trick Chris.

He drove to Chris's house and knocked on the door. Before Chris answered, he ruffled up his hair a bit, then put his hands on his knees and started breathing heavily.

Chris answered and looked wide eyed at Dan. "Dan! Are you okay!? What happened!?"

"I...was...attacked.." Dan said with a heavy breath.

"B-by who?" Chris asked nervously.

"By...the best prank ever....A ha! I got you, Chris!" Dan laughed. He froze when he saw Chris's face. He'd never seen him so angry before.

"Do you think this is funny!?" Chris demanded. Dan walked back a bit startled. "I thought you were actually hurt!"

"C-Chris i-it was a joke." Dan said as he shook.

"Dan, you don't joke about that kind of thing! I thought you were actually hurt!" Chris yelled. There were tears in his eyes and his voice was strained. "Just leave me alone!"

Chris slammed the door and Dan stood there in shock.
End Of Story