Extend the Story - Add a Room

You are a Cockroach by ShannonK
He furrows his eyebrows for a moment, hesitating.
"A date? Interesting..."

You organize a date to meet up within the next week, while you survive and struggle in your pathetic existence. Depressed and starving, the date is the only thing you look forward to. You never scored in your past life, but here you are, as a cockroach, actually having the possibility of a date.

On the day, the magician promptly shows up and escorts you to a restaurant, carrying you in a tiny box. You hear sounds of the human civilization you once knew - the familiar but faint sounds of crowds and beeping horns and scraping footsteps.

You feel drowsy, listening to these sounds, before the the lid of the box is lifted and light comes rushing in. The magician says in a hushed whisper, "You better stay in here. I don't want to be caught talking to a cockroach."

And so the date proceeds. How do you want to tackle this date?
Discuss the quest you must embark on
End Of Story

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