Catharsis of Cthulhu

Doctor Hall believes that the mold is the source of your the infection and you have no reason to disagree with him. However, Doctor Hall does not believe that the mold has sentience, something that you would vehemently disagree with, if it was in your programming to do so.

Because the mold seems to have grown and benefited from the infection that has seemed to run rampant through your crew, you can only make the assumption that your crew will benefit from the destruction of said mold.

Luckily, you have some petrol left over in one of your compartments from your previous maintenance of the ship. You also still have an igniter from when you were equipped with a flame thrower during the Cold War. It takes little effort and only a small dash of ingenuity to recreate a flame thrower.

A strange white noise begins in the back of your head, but you are determined to ignore it.

You flick the igniter just as you shoot a stream of petrol through the spark. Fire erupts from the end of the igniter and splashes across the mold. Immediately, a deafening screech sounds from within your head.

It tears you apart from the inside, data shorting, your mind spinning, but you know that you are doing something right if it is fighting you this hard.

Your hearing goes first, though the pain remains. Followed shortly by the feeling in your fingers and toes. Then, your sight starts to go black. But, you force your knees to lock and your arms to stay stationary.

A grim smile grows over your face just before you loose feeling over your entire body and the struggle for life ends with a shudder.

< Congratulations! You've died, but you destroyed Cthulhu's source of influence over the crew. You've received the Neutral Ending. >
End Of Story