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This Story is Going Nowhere Fast by Sulldog35
You sit in the comfortable seat, making random car engine noises, you perform this wonderful act for a full 5 minutes, before finally memorising what you were supposed to be doing. There are even keys in the ignition! You start the engine, to listen to the rumble of the engine is victory to you, yet, you have a long way to go...

For miles you are driving across the fucking sand, leaving a long trail where you wheels have been.

The darkness arrives and you're nearing for the city.

Midnight arrives and you're actually in the city.

It's barely the morning and you make it to your apartment, which is overun with Porno Magazines, and the sticky contents beneath, with tissues piled on the floor, filled with the putrid white mess. Your Coke is contained within a bag in the kitchen, and you cannot wait to start using the stuff again. You open the door to your room to find the most strangest of sights to behold...
..The room is immaculate
End Of Story

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