The Execution

you say "Carver you think of a plan" then Carver begins to pace around the room like he's thinking of something big. he says Lets just run for it. you look at him like he's stupid but you agree. you all run out the back door. and towards the town. you guys begin to realize the executor didn't chase you. when you guys finally arrive in town. And Boe and George are the 1st thing you see. Boe(Hillbilly store owner) says "there you dumb niggers are Get Em George? George Pulls out his gun and before you can run shoots you in the legs crippling you. Then Carver rushs towards George but he reloads the shotgun and shoots carver in the chest and he flys back… you tell the girls to run… then George Pops you in the head with another round.
End Of Story