Extend the Story - Add a Room

Con-Artist by Yaya1314
Ever since your youth, you've been on the streets learning how to pick-pocket and steal right in front of people's faces without them realizing anything. Years later, you are now 22. You are still with your old ways. You are in London trying to steal one of the greatest diamonds you've ever seen. You know all about locks and safes. The safe this store has is probably the easiest safe you've ever broken into. As you enter the camera room, trying to desroy evidence, you see another girl on a computer in the camera room. Trying to hack, you guess.
"Hey! Who are you? This is my turf," You say.
The woman turns around. She is very hot, you think.
"My name is Nicole. You don't seem like a hacker. What's your name?" she asks.
End Of Story

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