Try the new AI-powered Infinite Story.

Diamonds Are Expensive

You're heading for the sea. Your arms and legs are flailing wildly.
Then you panic. You were never any good at swimming. Or diving. You always bellyflopped. It would leave you with a large rash on your chest and stomach. And you think that's what is going to happen to you now.
Your body has somehow managed to make itself flat. You are falling into the sea and are going to do the biggest bellyflop ever.
This is bad.
You start to scream uncontrollably. You can't help it.
This is now even worse.
You hit the water, still screaming. Your mouth instantly fills with water. You are drowning. What is more your chest and stomach feel like they are on fire.
That's it.
You've been killed by a massive bellyflop.
Water way to go!
End Of Story