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I don't want to risk falling in. There are some kids running around. I go over to one boy, looks about eight. I point out the suitcase, ask if he can help me get it for him. I'll give him five bucks.

I hope this kid doesn't have paranoid parents, or he's gonna blow his little rape whistle on me. But, no, he agrees to help...

Look at him go! He's spry. And he's got the suitcase. I guess me and him get to share in the bounty...

We open the case. It's waterproof. And filled with....comic books? Really? Well, my young accomplice is sure overjoyed. But I'm kind of disappointed.

Except....I'm no comic book expert, but aren't a lot of these kind of old and valuable? This Spider-Man comic says #1 on it, and it's in a plastic bag and in really good condition. That means it's worth something, right?

There's no name or address on the suitcase. I check all over it, just to be sure. Nothing. Whoever lost this did not put any safety measures in place for getting it back.

Okay, kid. I'll split the comic books with you. These might be valuable, and even if they're not, hey, you get comic books! And I'll still give you the five bucks.

Okay, fine, ten bucks. Little swindler.

Well, this'll be fun. During work I'll sneak in some research, find out what I might get for old comic books in "mint" condition. (That's what they call it, right? "Mint" condition?) I might get my good luck after all!

Thanks, family curse. Thanks horoscope. I still don't believe in either of you, but I'm not turning down this little boon. I can't wait to tell Shirley about this!
End Of Story