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I took the photo out of my bag, but couldn't bring myself to shred it. I just got spooked, that's all. Shredding it will only prove that I've succumbed to silly, silly beliefs and superstitions.

While I was glaring at Bathsheba, Georgina came by. She seemed interested in the old photo and asked to see it. I warned her about the curse, but she just laughed. Then she examined the photo closely and told me that it might actually be worth something. Her husband's a historian and is interested in "ghost photos." See, a lot of old photos have ghostly images in them, because of someone who moved or walked through the frame while the photo was being taken.

People actually collect these. Some of them pay big bucks! My family could apparently collect....if we can bear to part with old Bathsheba.

Heck, yes, we can! Or I can, anyway.

I gave Georgina my folks' number. She must've called her husband pronto, because when I got home, there was an excited message from my dad. He and Mom are going to meet with Georgina's husband and see if they can find a collector who'll buy the photo!

Did I just banish the family curse forever? We may be passing evil old Bathsheba off to some other victim. And bringing in some green.

Listen to me, talking like I actually believe in curses! Next thing you know, I'll start actually reading the horoscope!

Although....after what happened's rather tempting.....
End Of Story