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My nephew likes to send me these silly videos he finds on YouTube. Things like people falling over in funny ways, or animals doing funny things...or people playing elaborate pranks in public. I always thought they were so ridiculous.


Miranda, it turns out, belongs to a group of people who stage these public pranks and film them with hidden cameras. I had no idea, not until she led me into a garage where a big crowd had congregated. There were old folks, teenagers, people of all shapes and sizes. A fat guy in a beard told us what the day's "stunt" would be. I didn't believe it, not until they started handing out....the costumes.

A good-looking guy with a huge grin slipped into a giant outfit shaped like a wedge of swiss cheese. The rest of us were handed big fuzzy rat costumes that fit right over our normal clothes. I would've run away from this madness, but Miranda seemed so happy that I'd come...I couldn't let her down.

After suiting up, we all got into vans and drove to Prospect Park. At the edge of the park, we burst out of the vans and ran! The park was full of people, and suddenly here we came: a giant wedge of cheese being chased by about two dozen huge rats.

I hate myself for saying this, was fun. Miranda held my hand and we ran together, and before I knew it I was shrieking with laughter. We chased the cheese guy all over the park. At one point he fell down and we all swarmed around and pretended to chew on him. Then we ran into the playground area and climbed on the jungle gym! Kids were cheering, adults were laughing or just staring in bafflement. No one knew how to react!

The fat guy was one of the rats...when he began waving his arms above his head, that was the cue to run back to the vans. Good thing, because I actually saw a policeman running after us! Me and Miranda and the other rats and the cheese all got out of there!

I was chased by a cop! Mom would die!

I just feel so giddy and amazed at myself. I never thought I could do something that nuts! If my nephew finds the video of today, I'll tell him I was in it and he'll never believe me!

Wow. I guess I fulfilled the Aquarius prediction pretty well. So I seem to have debunked my friend Shirley in the oddest way possible. Not to mention made friends with Miranda. You don't run around in public with someone in rat costumes and not become friends.

Just so everyone knows....I'm now on the mailing list of Miranda's stunt performance group. In fact, I'd say I'm firmly a member now.

Look for us on Fifth Avenue a week from Wednesday...
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