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Extend the Story - Add a Room

Depressed by Leah1597
You run into the kitchen (again) and grab the phone and run into the computer room. You dial the number and a young sounding lady answers. ''Hello?''
''yes, i'm a 14 year old
girl in need of being adopted, my parents are abusive and I need a home''

''Ok, i'm so sorry to hear that, so what is your name sweetie?''


''ok, and when do we need to get you?''

'Uh, I guess now?''

''Ok! But we need paper work from the parents''

You stop dead in your tracks. You forgot you need a parental consultion.

''Uh, i don't know where my parents are, you see, I think they left, and i threw a big party, and now I just....'' you start crying again.

''oh don't cry! It's ok....we can just pick you up and call your parents cell phone when you get here''

''Really?'' you sniffle

''Sure! where do you live sweetheart?''

''239 quincy lane''

''Ok, we will be there soon!''


You jump on your bed in joy
End Of Story

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