When Zombies Attack
"It's me, John!" you say to the man holding the shotgun. As he hears your voice, he quickly lets out a sigh of relief and lowers the gun.
"I thought you were a zombie." he says.
Convienienty, at that exact moment, part of your rotten cheek falls off of your face and hits the ground. The mans face goes back into a shocked expression as he re-aims the gun.
"No, wait!" you yell. "It's just a scab-" The man pulls the trigger and blows you scabby head off.
"I thought you were a zombie." he says.
Convienienty, at that exact moment, part of your rotten cheek falls off of your face and hits the ground. The mans face goes back into a shocked expression as he re-aims the gun.
"No, wait!" you yell. "It's just a scab-" The man pulls the trigger and blows you scabby head off.