Extend the Story - Add a Room

The Fugitive by hep0005
You close the drawer you were searching through, and you pick up the phone.

"Hello," you asnwer.
"Richard. It's me, Helen."
Helen is your wife.
"Why are you stil up Helen?" You ask.
"You should be in bed sleeping."
"I'm not going to sleep until you come home."
"But, Helen. I may be here for a few more hours yet. You can't stay up all night waiting for me."
"And you can't stay at work all night either, Richard. Just, please come home. I miss you. I never see you any more. It almost seems that your in love with your work more than me anymore."
"Now, Helen. That is not true. You know I have to finish off all this paperwork by Tuesday."
"You can leave it until tomorrow. It's not like it's going to jump out a window. It'll still be there tomorrow."
"Okay. I will be home in 30 minutes then. How does that sound, honey?"
"Oh, wonderful. I'll make you a meal for when you get home then."
"Okay, see you soon."
"Alright, bye, Richard. Hey what do you know? Someone's at the..."
Before she finished her sentence, she hung up the phone.
Be a liar and continue working
End Of Story

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