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egg soup by sandwich
A brilliant form of pure shiny light shines purely before you, casting brilliant illumination and also light around the area.

She's pretty bright.
And pretty HAWT.

You're wondering why God(dess) is a roughly anthropomorphic gecko who is apparently the greatest invention since halogen right up until the moment she starts speaking in that sexy Australian accent of hers.

"This place is without time or space. Everything is subject to the slightest whim of whoever passes through, and your very presence here causes destruction and disorder on a scale even I am incapable of imagining."

She pauses, taking a moment to register your predictable, chauvinistic gaze. Even with infinite awareness and comprehension, you really haven't changed at all, have you?

"Even my breasts are metaphysical, you know. So, even theoretically speaking, there's no reason for you to be aroused by, interested in or even looking at them."
Choke on your own tongue. It's what you deserve after all.
End Of Story

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